
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sen. Mike Miller Aide will Now Lobby Annapolis for MCPS BOE

On Monday we reported that Board of Education staff member Laura Steinberg was gone. Here is the resume of Ms. Steinberg's replacement.

The Montgomery County Board of Education will now have a former staffer from Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.'s office as their in house lobbyist in Annapolis. 


  1. Science it to political as intelligence is to artificial.

    1. These are gopher type jobs listed. With a political Science/Communications degree and these short term resume building jobs, I think we are looking at a guy who is getting ready to apply to a good law school These are two very popular pre law majors . If I am wrong a year or two from now call me wrong and I'll eat my hat!

    2. Do you understand what MCPS pays these "gophers?"

    3. In 2011, Steinberg was making $136,995.

    4. What a rip off to pay that sum for a person with the Swanson resume in what most states is a gopher position used as a stepping stone . Glad the BOA is so flush with money.

    5. The Apple Ballot would rather have administrators paid at this salary than teachers in classrooms. This is what you vote for every election.

    6. What does the apple ballot have to do with this? Absolutely NOTHING!

    7. You must be from out of town. The Apple Ballot has a seat at the MCPS behind closed doors BUDGET committee and MAKES these decisions. The Apple is very, very proud of the control that they have over the MCPS budget. So proud that they give presentations at conferences about how much CONTROL they have over this public school budget. The Apple makes the deals that they WANT. Teachers be damned. We've heard from many teachers over the years who have had their jobs cut in these behind closed door meetings and their Apple representatives will not even return their phone calls.



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