
Friday, June 12, 2015

The Gazette Reportedly Set to Close In August - Bethesda Beat

The Gazette Reportedly Set to Close In August - Bethesda Beat


  1. Is the Sentinel going to close as well?

    1. The Sentinel is NOT closing.

    2. It should close or Brian Karem should be removed. They have lost their credibility.

  2. Hence the maxim, no news is good news.

  3. In other words, MoCo will become a giant mushroom factory.

  4. Antiestablishmentarian paper is needed.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, Larry Bowers! This is great news for you! Less oversight, less accountability means more no bid contracts and, heck, forget contracts just cut some invoices and spend like you own the place!

  6. This is really sad that they couldn't at least maintain the web portion and just dump the print. I could heap a lot of criticism on the Gazette but they did provide a service to the county residents and were a voice, albeit somewhat muted. Especially valuable to me was the coverage of the local sports and school news. The Sentinel has become a mess and unless they make radical change that isn't going to fill the void. The Patch is also barely hanging on and is not a proper substitute. The county government should love this and will probably move on with even more reckless abandon now. So long Gazette, hate to see you go.

  7. Watch out! More development in the works. We live in a wall to wall parking lot now and there will be no public forum in which to complain.

  8. The less brick and mortar businesses the more parking lots:

  9. Last Gazette... TODAY, June 17th in Montgomery County (and June 18th, I think in PG) is the last edition of the Gazette. A great paper started by Earl Hightower... that descended into nothing more than developer propaganda, after it was sold to the Post. This is symptomatic of a much larger issue in the U.S. MANY newspapers have failed, because of the way we now get information through other media sources, especially the Internet.

    I'd still like to know whether or not the Gazette's online archives will be preserved. Even though they were not a great paper, the lost of this treasure-trove of institutional memory would be substantial.


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