
Friday, June 26, 2015

Unbelievable! PTA Silent on Sexual Abuse of Students by MCPS Staff

Montgomery County Public Schools have had almost 20 arrests (that we know about - no count of the number of incidents that have been covered up by allowing the perpetrators to "retire" or "resign") of teachers, staff, substitutes and contractors who have sexually assaulted or had sexual interactions with students in the last 3+ years.

On Monday, June 29, 2015, the Montgomery County Board of Education will finally review their Child Abuse Policy after ignoring the Policy for 26+ years.

What do the 196 PTAs in the county and MCCPTA have to say about this Policy? 

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a word. 

Apparently, MCCPTA and all of the local PTAs could not care less about the sexual abuse and sexual interactions of MCPS students by teachers, staff, substitutes and contractors.

Well, PTA is just a dues paying club and, apparently, the members of this club do not consider the safety of public school children a priority. 

Here are the comments that the Board of Education received regarding their upcoming review of this Policy.
No comments in here from any Montgomery County PTA or from MCCPTA.

Additional comments are at this link.


  1. So: I submitted public comment: I said I agree with everything Jennifer Alvaro said and reproduced her email. Why isn't my email included?

  2. Could it be that MoCo is one large bedroom community?

  3. From my past experience with multiple PTAs, the interest was in the events they were planning and socializing with the "right" individuals (read "volunteers"). There was little to no interest in advocating for students whether it be this or other MCPS policies or real issues (bullying, grading/reporting, etc.) happening in the home school. There may be a few out there which are different, but especially on the elementary level I haven't found anyone I know who won't compare their local PTA to a high school clique (and not in a good way).


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parentscoalitionmc AT