
Friday, July 10, 2015

Leggett Wants to Park 400 MCPS Buses on Rt. 355 to Appease Developers #NOtrafficstudy #noiseordinance #ikeleggett #eya

Leggett and Council to move buses to red area.
"It is likely that an interim relocation solution will include use of the lot in front of the Carver Educational Services Center."

On Monday, July 13, 2015, the Montgomery County Council will vote to hand $27 million to County Executive Ike Leggett for a mystery solution for the relocation of the MCPS Shady Grove bus depot.

The Council packet (shown below) prepared for the Monday meeting announces that it is likely that the 400 school buses will first move to 850 Hungerford Drive, the parking lot shown in the image to the left.  This lot is currently used by Montgomery College and is located right in front of the Board of Education and MCPS main offices. The lot is also right on Rt. 355 in Rockville.  

County Executive Ike Leggett asks the County Council for $27 million dollars, but does not detail what that amount represents.  

Leggett does not ask for a traffic study to determine if the intersection of Rt. 355 and Mannakee Street can handle the addition of 400 school buses.

Leggett also does not mention that the placement of 400 buses at 850 Hungerford Drive will violate the Montgomery County Noise Ordinace.  See the yellow highlighting in the image above for the location of homes that will be impacted by Leggett's plan.  (But there are only a few dozen homes and those homeowners probably can not take on Leggett and the developers so the impact on these citizens can be ignored.)

This is what we call "planning" in Montgomery County.  Do what makes developers happy, throw a dart to deal with the rest, and be really, really shocked and indignant when citizens protest your "plans."


  1. This impulsive gesture will "facilitate" the students, staff and faculty of Montgomery College.

  2. By the way, classroom trailers are an "interim" solution. (30 years interim...)

  3. Unconfirmed sources suggested that a giant bag be placed over the site for noise abatement.

  4. This is really up to the neighbors who live near that parking lot. And I'm willing to bet they all voted for Mr. Leggett. This is what they want!

  5. That Montgomery College lot is usually full during school hours. Where are all those buses going to fit?

    1. The secret plan is to convert them into Magic School buses at the MC science center.

    2. Pete Townshend, is that you?

  6. The county needs to find an industrial zone for all those buses. Shifting them from one residential-area-to-be to an existing residential area is unacceptable.


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