
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Board of Education member sued

ROCKVILLE - An attorney is suing Montgomery County Board of Education member Christopher Barclay (D -4) for unpaid hourly services from his divorce in 2013.
Donna Rismiller, a family lawyer, is suing Barclay for $9,824.72, according to court documents. As of April 21, Barclay owes Rismiller $11,666.74, including more than $2,600 in interest, the documents state.
The June 30 document showed Barclay is projected to owe $11,915.84 – that includes an interest rate of $2,857.76.
Barclay is a member of the BOE Fiscal Management Committee, chaired by fellow board member Michael Durso (D -5)...


  1. What a deadbeat! I have a bad feeling that Barclay has an official Board platinum visa to wipe out this debt.

  2. ". . . is a member of the BOE Fiscal Management Committee" Did they mean to say: Fiscal Mismanagement Committee?

    1. On numerous occasions, the MC-BOE has opposed State bills mandating financial literacy as a high school graduation requirement. And it was just a few months ago, at a MC-BOE meeting, where Chris Barclay opined that it was unnecessary to structure financial literacy into the MCPS high school curriculum.

    2. Easy come easy go philosophy.

    3. Lack of financial literacy is what has this entire country in trouble, from the federal budget to runaway minimum wage schemes. Anyone who took basic economics knows all debits must be equal to all credits. If he opposes teaching how to balance a checkbook, maybe he aught not be on the BOE anymore

    4. What are the qualifications for becoming a BOE member?

  3. Why is the phone number on the MCPS Web site for Chris Barclay (301-431-7736) disconnected? How long has this number not worked?

    1. The service provider would normally do that to delinquent customers.

    2. And is Barclay still a "Resident of Takoma Park"?

    3. "Resident at large?"

  4. Yes, Christopher S. Barclay is a hard person to reach and even harder to collect from. If you are one of Mr. Barclay’s many creditors or a concerned MCPS parent and cannot reach Mr. Barclay at his office, you may be able to contact him by phone at 301-xxx xxxx, cell 301-xxx xxxx or feel free to mail him a letter at: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Takoma Park, MD 20912. However, in an attempt to make himself “judgment-proof,” Mr. Barclay has transferred his Takoma Park home (on 12/27/2012) and other major assets into his wife’s name, making it very difficult to collect. Creditors may want to garnish Mr. Barclay’s BOE stipend, assuming that that has not already happened. Perhaps Mr. Barclay should serve on the BOE’s Fiscal Avoidance Committee.

    1. Redacted? All the data is available in the public domain. There's no reason that it can't go up on this site.

  5. BTW, The lawyer that Barclay is not paying is his divorce attorney from his 2013 divorce in which Barclay was the defendant. Between his nasty divorce, nonpayment of debt, failure to stop driving after his MVA suspension, not mention multiple issues with his MCPS BOE card and expenses, this guy looks like a real scumbag. Why does he have a major voice in our children's education???

    1. That is a good question. BTW why do we no longer elect model citizens as civic leaders?


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