
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FOX5: 5 PM Report on organization that says it is advocating for the health of children has released a video questioning the safety of Wheaton High School cell tower


  1. There are thousands of studies showing biological effects at levels deemed' safe' by the FCC and the WHO. There are massive amounts of corruption in these governing bodies. They have been overrun by industry people who influence the decisions that help the industry continue to make its profits at the expense of the people's health. These levels of supposedly are exposure were put into place in 1986 and protect us against thermal effects. The newest and most reputable research shows there are numerous Nonthermal biological effects and they damage people. There are many studies that show DNA damage from exposure. You child's DNA is being damaged by this exposure. This will effect their health in the future and the health of THEIR children as well. This exposure is linked to cancer, behavioral problems, neurological problems, learning problems.... A Harvard pediatric neurologist warned the school systems that this is very negatively impacting children. The schools are greedy and the telecom industry is ruthless. What a dangerous combination for our children. Will it be your child sitting beneath a router all year??? When they get brain cancer--will the school admit it any liability. NOPE!! The industry asked for and received blanket immunity from being sued over any health concerns caused by their product. Why??? Because it has been known for years that this is harmful to health. Insurance companies won't cover damages due to radiation from wireless devices. Why?? Because they remember tobacco--and all the lies about safety. They remember asbestos and all the lies abut safety. They see this issue exploding over the next 10 or so years. While science is forced to find a specific mechanism of action--our schools and our government both deny any issues so the children continue to be placed in danger BUT the money keeps rolling in. And isn't that the most important thing to you--the mother???

  2. Parents aren't stupid - you don't have to be told that placing a cell tower near a school is not a healthy environment for children, YOU KNOW!!
    MCPS sighted WHO as evidence of safety - WHO has labeled wireless a class 2B possible carcinogen and the current thinking among scientists is that it should be moved up to a probable 2A carcinogen. Clearly MCPS puts the safety of children last on their list.

    1. At a school where parents and guardians are struggling, don't expect an outcry. This school has 55% of the students registered to receive free or reduced price meals.

      A total of 75% of these students currently or have in the past received free and reduced price meals.

      Over 20% of these students will not even graduate.

      Look at how many positions are VACANT on the Wheaton PTSA:

      MCPS administrators love putting cell towers at schools like this. They know the parents and guardians don't speak out. Parents and guardians have other challenges and don't want to risk the intense bullying that comes from MCPS when a parent advocates for their child.

  3. MCPS has a lot of explaining to do.. I find it curious that they state they are keeping up with the research on cell phone radiation. there seems to be a lot of cherry picking going on. The World Health Organization has found enough evidence to classify this radiation as a possible carcinogen. so I guess it "possibly" could cause cancer in all the kids at the school. They also have a very long list of research that needs to be done.

    Until then- is it really safe to expose the kids?

    The safest route would be to wait until all the research is completed. The safest route would be to educate the children and not waste time and resources on leasing to for-profit company endeavors....

    Why is our school system even in the cell tower business?
    Whose idea was this?

    1. Our Apple Ballot elected officials get $$$$ from cell tower companies for their campaigns.

      Pay to play.

    2. Note the MCPS cell towers all went up without BOE votes, without public notice and without competition. No bids, no RFPs, just build.

  4. Here's one example of how cell tower pay to play works in Maryland:

  5. The Apple Ballot is giving our kids cancer!

    1. Ask your child's teacher why their Apple Ballot continues, year after year, to endorse elected officials that are willing to experiment on your child.

      Of course, no worries if you are in a MCPS Green Zone, your child will never be subject to this type of experimentation. MCPS saves health experiments for the Red Zone children.


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