
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Local first year teacher looking for classroom donations

Hello everyone!
My dreams came true when I was hired as a Kindergarten teacher. I work in an extremely low income area [Georgian Forest Elementary School in Silver Spring, MD] and a large percentage of the students receive free and reduced lunch. I am loving my new job and all of my students. I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to be successful. I have spent a significant amount of [my own] money on classroom materials but still need more supplies. I'm hoping some of you are willing to help out. I have set up a page on donors choose and my project is halfway to being completed! If you chip in to help my students, you'll get awesome photos and our heartfelt thanks. This means the world to me and I appreciate donations of any amount! Thank you!
P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help my classroom, please pass this along. 


  1. DonorsChoose has a LOT of MCPS teachers/schools looking for donations. Just did a quick search "near Rockville, MD" and this is the list I got:

  2. "You'll get awesome photos" - do we have privacy and safety concerns here?

    1. YES!! What a great opportunity for a pedophile to donate to this teacher and in exchange get pictures of students to use for their photo-shopped collection!

  3. Dear teachers,
    Please check with your very own union for why you must buy classroom supplies out of your own earnings. It is not for a lack of funds, that is obvious when the Board of Education and administrators can take themselves out to dinner and charge their MCPS expense account.

    The money is there, the Board of Education just does not "choose" to spend it on your classroom!

    Either wake up or keep forking over your personal income for classroom supplies.

  4. Something is amiss here. These items can be ordered from MCPS. They have an online catalog for teachers to use. Why isn't this teacher using the MCPS supplies?

  5. Every school has a budget and these teachers are ordering above and beyond because most can order what is needed from their school budgets, especially title one schools who get additional federal funding.

    These teachers are acting as if their students and classrooms are in desperate need. It's really sad that they don't understand what real classrooms of need are. Go to Mississippi to understand how some children in poverty are living and see what it means not to have classroom supplies. Standing in front of Promethean Boards in a system that is supplying Chromebooks for the students is hardly a needy system. The taxpayers in this county are more than generous.

  6. Additional contributions have been made and the project is now fully funded.


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