
Monday, September 14, 2015

Starr & Russo on: The Dangerous and Harmful Influence of Teacher Bloggers @JoshuaPStarr

The Dangerous and Harmful Influence of Teacher Bloggers

By Nancy Flanagan on September 3, 2015 10:56 PM
(Yes. It's sarcasm.)
Happy Labor Day weekend--the holiday set aside to honor the stormy, husky, brawling folks with the big shoulders who, you know, built this country. Much like the determined, steadfast, committed teachers who also built something of infinite value: the nation's education system. Say what you like about teacher quality, but a free, high-quality, fully public education as every child's birthright is one of America's best ideas.
So it's hard to understand why Alexander Russo--a self-identified paid professional journalist--would be sending up red flags over the undue influence of education bloggers in policy creation. In a piece that relies heavily on an interview with Joshua Starr, of PDK,  who bemoans the tendency of social media to pass on both true and false information, accelerating concerns for districts who want to present their best face to parents and community. Russo says:...


  1. Who is Joshua Starr?

  2. Replies
    1. A struggling chameleon who befell in oblivion.

  3. Wow. Clearly, Starr was referring to Parents' Coalition, but he and Russo were being too coy to say so, or ashamed to admit the power and influence your little blog holds. Good work, and keep doing it. And thank you for the time and dedication you put into being a valuable MCPS watchdog. Here's hoping you inspire many more education stories by journalists (not that there's many journalists left). --A grateful former teacher, former MCPS parent, and former MCPS PTA President

  4. That same "Starr secrecy stench" clings to MCPS. People are afraid to speak up about the 'leaders' who are continuing to bring down the school system. They are in admin positions making poor decisions and everyone knows they don't know what they are doing, but everyone is afraid to speak up. No one wants to say, "This isn't working, that director doesn't know what he is doing." So everyone stands around watching the ship sink, just hoping that we get a decent superintendent who will turn things around in a few years because nothing will change in 2016-17.


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