
Sunday, October 18, 2015

How California's Largest School District Blamed an 8th Grader for Her Rape #mocoboe #mcps #larrybowers #joshuapstarr #jerrydweast #sexualabusestudents

"...that is to say, an institution with more than 655,000 students kept fighting to probe the sexual history of an eighth grader molested while in its care..."

When “M.S.” was 13, her math teacher at Edison middle school in Los Angeles invited her to be friends online. Soon, according to a California appeals court, the same teacher started sending her sexually explicit messages. That winter, he called the 8th grader into a classroom and told her to shut the door. The teacher, Elkis Hermida, kissed and hugged the student. In March, he drove M.S. (as she’s referred to in court records, to protect her privacy), then 14, to a motel, where, according to the court, “they had sexual intercourse.” On a second occasion, “they … had sexual intercourse” in Hermida’s classroom.
“The next time they had sexual intercourse was on a Saturday at a motel,” the court records say. “Hermida told her that they were not in a relationship but were just having sex.” At that point, M.S. “wanted to stop having sexual intercourse with Hermida, but did not feel that she was free to do so.” At their next encounter, the teacher wanted anal sex. M.S. objected. “Hermida inserted something into her anus anyway,” the court said.
That May, a friend of M.S. alerted another teacher to the relationship. That teacher reported Hermida, who was quickly arrested, charged, and sent to prison for three years. M.S.’s family sued the Los Angeles Unified School District [LAUSD] for negligence.
This is the story of the LAUSD’s depraved defense...[in the civil trial]


  1. Bottom line:
    "I’d be grateful to hear about your experiences at, especially if you have knowledge of the school district endeavoring to blame victims for their own rape or molestation on other occasions."

  2. When the administration
    Is the master of deception
    Then its depraved perception
    Denies the nasty situation.


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