
Friday, October 2, 2015

MCPS Principal Delays Calling Police: “The incident was reported as soon as we discovered it wasn’t one of our students,” #delayin911call #mcps #mocoboe

Intruder Arrested After Making Threats at Seneca Valley High School

Montgomery County Police have arrested an 18-year-old Germantown man, after he was able to gain access to Seneca Valley High School on two separate occasions and disrupt classrooms and make vulgar threats directed females.

   According police, on Wednesday, Sept. 16 the young man, who is not enrolled at Seneca Valley or any MCPS school, got into the Germantown high school and began to disrupt classes. Police say he was in the building for about 15 minutes and was able to walk into various classrooms and interrupted five different teachers with inappropriate and vulgar comments and threats against the girls and female teachers, said MCPD spokesman officer Paul Goodale. Once MCPS security officers were called, the young man fled the school on foot.

   Police say that the young man returned to Seneca Valley on Tuesday, Sept. 22 and was again able to gain entry into the school, however, this time MCPS security and the MCPD school resource officers arrested and took him into custody moments after entering the building...

“By the time it was brought to our attention (the first time) he was gone,” said Seneca Valley Principal Marc Cohen. “We went to our cameras and tried to identify him. At that point we, didn’t know he wasn’t from our school. We thought he was one of our students interrupting the class. We tried to figure out who he was, but were unable to identify him.”...

  ...“The incident was reported as soon as we discovered it wasn’t one of our students,” said Cohen...


Where is the MCPS statement on this incident? 
Where is the letter that should have gone home to parents and guardians?  
Have parents and guardians been notified at all or are they just finding out about this incident today as a result of this news article? 


  1. “We went to our cameras and tried to identify him. At that point we, didn’t know he wasn’t from our school. We thought he was one of our students interrupting the class. We tried to figure out who he was, but were unable to identify him.” WHAAAT!!!

    1. In other words they used their cameras as shields to identify the individual remotely.
      Is direct confrontation is not an option at that school?

    2. If he was one of their students, then it would have been acceptable behavior?

  2. . Afraid to face reality and defend his own students with immediate action?. This actually is serious and he should be questioned by even this school board as to what he plans to do to confront someone next time.It only takes seconds for a situation to turn sour as we have seen over and over on television. Securing an area until the authorities come is part of his job as principal, no matter what the emergency. Otherwise, if this principal is afraid to quickly step up to a situation there may be a need for armed and trained security at the school. .

  3. Should the principal have called the cops if he thought it was one of his students? That seems ridiculous

    1. What is "ridiculous" about a principal calling 911 when there is ANYONE on a school campus threatening students and teachers? Please explain!

  4. Students don't harass, harm or kill other fellow students all over this country? No bullying in schools? Should a principal not interfere when a child is molested by an adult in these schools because he thought it was one of his teachers? C'mon now.


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