
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Parents to Meet to Discuss Industrial Strength Wireless in MCPS Classrooms - Oct. 20th 7 PM Bells Mill Elementary School

Could the industrial strength wireless system in our children’s classrooms be linked to health risks?
Find out why the American Academy of Pediatrics is calling on our government to reassess wireless safety standards.
Be Informed Get The Facts Decide For Yourself
We will share
scientists around the world are calling for safer wireless radiation standards. Learn
Chromebooks can be used
in classrooms.
Safe Tech for Schools Maryland
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
 at Bells Mill Elementary School, 
7PM, Room 149 


  1. First zap everybody, then analyze the effects of nonionizing radiation.

  2. MCPS staff attended a lecture at GW that detailed he health risks of wireless radiation. Why in the world would they continue this poorly thought out plan? At least turn the routers off when kids are not on the Chromebooks???

    See the lecture here

    I especially recommend the short clip from the Q and A about wifi in school. That Doc responding to the question ran a multimillion dollar research project for the industry way back. When the research showed problems they shut him up and cut off funding. He even wrote a book about it as have many whistle blowers in the wireless industry but ..... well... people just cannot believe it eh?? so they avoid it... so look where we are then, wireless routers in every other classroom and no federal safety standards. yikes.

    See the news piece on Dr Carlo here as he explains this issue in depth----no premarket testing-

  3. I also recommend everyone becoming aware that in LA where they rolled out the same foolish shortsighted tech plan-
    the FBI investigated plus the software had big problems. What a mess.

    "Los Angeles Unified Superintendent Ramon Cortines told board members this week he’s negotiated a $6.4 million settlement with Apple Inc. and tech company Lenovo to resolve a dispute over faulty software on the tablets they sold to the district.

    Most of the settlement money will come from Apple."

    Will MCPS be wanting a refund?
    read more

  4. It is called population control.

  5. Westland PTA is not allowing this information to be posted on the listserv.

    1. False. The Westland PTA has posted the details of this meeting above its listerv.

      (Though, ironically, as of the time I'm writing this, my first post pointing out the comment was false was not shared. This is not the first time I've attempted to comment in disagreement with statements on this website and had to ask more than once.).

    2. Well Anonymous @9:28 AM you just blew your credibility on this one. There was no "first post". If you are so concerned about getting your comments posted a) sign your name - your message is clearly nothing that requires confidentiality, and b) do what our comment message says - if your comment doesn't show up send it to us by e-mail and we will post it.

      There have been over 10,000 comments posted on this blog and there are currently over 1,600 comments that this site has automatically moved into the SPAM folder.

      Last, it is not false to say the meeting was not posted ON the listserv when it wasn't. Even you say the meeting was posted "above" the listserv.

      Send us a copy of the actual listserv message when the meeting announcement is actually posted to the listserve. We will be happy to post it.


    4. sound of stupid mcps staff

    5. The kids we shall empower
      By erecting the WiFi tower
      To make their brains virile
      And to ensure they're sterile!

  6. Westland PTA---Perhaps a Westland PTA officer could clarify this decision and how it was made? Was an invitation posted on the listerve so all parents could be made aware of the meeting?

  7. Westland PTA did finally post the message but it was not easy to get to that point.

    1. It was a ploy in order to justify Industrial Strength Wireless that will render the students Powerless.

  8. They posted the message? Really? Please share it. I heard the PTA is in deep discussions on this and that it has gotten quite heated so much so that the word "incendiary" was used to describe the emails flying around.

    Guess this subjects gets everyone in a bit of a tizzy. What are people so afraid of?

    No one would allow smoking in classrooms. But they would a few decades ago... Whats the big deal. Same old same old ....

    1. The PTA posted the message with the following disclaimer:

      "Dear Westland Community,

      As listserv moderator, I approved the message to be posted to the Westland PTA listserve because it was submitted by a Westland parent. Because the message is partially addressed to me, I would like to clarify that:

      • I will not be attending the meeting to which this group refers, either as a parent or as a Westland PTA representative.

      • I have reviewed some of the information provided and do not myself, or on behalf of the Westland PTA, endorse the information provided.

      • The claims presented have not been evaluated and verified by me, Ms. Serino, nor anyone at MCPS.

      • I have been in touch with the Office of the Chief Technology Officer at MCPS because it is my hope that technology specialists at MCPS will be able to respond to any questions about the wireless routers.


      Cathy Stocker

      Westland PTA'

      It is going to a long year for us at Westland. Help!.

    2. Maybe the MCPS Tech staff will take her out to dinner.

      On June 5, 2006, Porter dined with his second-in-command, Executive Director Sherwin Collette, at Ruth's Chris Steak House in Bethesda for $597.08. The receipt, filed by Collette, does not indicate how many people were at the table or what was served. On May 8, the two men dined at Le Boeuf Angus, a steakhouse in Montreal. The tab: $300.99. Both were listed as business meals…

    3. The PTA President seems to be speaking on behalf of MCPS. Is the school principal ok with it?

    4. Actually it looks like she is specifically NOT speaking on behalf of MCPS. And surely you aren't alluding that Ms. Stocker is on the take. We do our cause no good with such statements and make it easy to dismiss us as zealots for attacking these individuals rather than their arguments.

    5. Is there a requirement that PTA officers disclose gifts from vendors?

      We already know that cell tower vendors donate to community groups when they want a cell tower on a public school playground. We have already seen the campaign donations from those vendors to election campaigns.

      When individuals are are put out as experts, you can be sure that the credentials of those individuals need to be examined. An English major just isn't the same as an Engineering major.


    6. I recall that the Westland PTA also mentioned an expert. They consulted him or her and therefore did not need to ask the parents about what they thought about flooding the school with more Chromebooks.

    7. "An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less."
      Nicholas M. Butler

  9. I sense excessive spurious radiation in this blog thread.


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