
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

WPost Prints BOE Letter as Article

Five members of Montgomery County’s school board issued a statement blasting a county report that examines how Maryland’s largest school system spends state aid that is based on its enrollment of students from low-income families.
The report said the high-performing school system used $47 million of its $128.6 million in such state aid for broader operating-budget functions last school year, not specifically targeting programs aimed at the needs of students living at or near the poverty level.
The school system was not required to target those programs but the analysis — by the Office of Legislative Oversight, the research arm of the Montgomery County Council — said it could have provided more resources to high-poverty schools, especially middle and high schools...

[Then the Post "article" reprints the BOE letter and links to the BOE letter and two other letters repeating the BOE message.  No response or investigation into this issue is provided by the Post reporter.]

1 comment:

  1. Is the 'Washington Post' experiencing early onset of Presbyopia?


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