
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Apple Ballot Keeps Historically Black, Low-Income Community Isolated By Cutting Bus Service

The citizens of Montgomery County continually vote into office the teachers' union Apple Ballot endorsed candidates.  Montgomery County citizens support teachers and think that teachers will do right by our citizens and chose candidates that value and respect all citizens.

But, the reality is very, very different.  

Here is an example of how the Apple Ballot candidates behave once they are in office.  
Tobytown is a historically Black, low-income community off of River Road on the western edge of Montgomery County.  Tobytown has never had access to public transportation.  A proposal to finally add RideOn bus service to this community in the FY16 Montgomery County budget has just been cut.

The cost of the RideOn bus service to this isolated community?  Just $200,000.

The Board of Education spent $2.4 MILLION yesterday alone on NO BID purchases, including $250,000 for no bid Promethean boards.  
Let's add up the cost of all of the MCPS take home cars for administrators and see how that cost equates to the needs of this community.  Alternatively, lets look at the $100,000+ expense account of the Board of Education.  
MCPS wastes $200,000 without a thought, while this community remains cut off and isolated.

Are the Apple Ballot social justice warriors interested in closing the achievement gap?  Only if it involves a cocktail party with campaign donations, photo opportunities they can post on Facebook, or trendy topics that will get media attention. 
Next election day, remember that this is the real face of the Apple Ballot endorsed candidates. 

Tobytown:  A Community Ignored

Without equal access to public transportation, Tobytown residents will never receive adequate access to gainful employment, healthcare, and education.  The 140-year poverty cycle continues...unless you help us stop it!


  1. The reason the county has isolated and ignored Tobytown is because they want the African American population there to move out. This will allow developers buy Tobytown property on the cheap and then develop it into $2M riverside estates. These are the same developers that give 3 out of every 4 dollars to county council members in the form of "campaign donations" each election cycle. Leventhal, Floreen, Riemer, Katz, Navarro and Rice take 60% to 85% of their campaign cash from local developers. Developers pay to play while Tobytown citizens pray to stay.

    1. Tobytown is a neighborhood of 26 homes located off River Road in Potomac. Half of the homes are owned by HOC and rented to low-income residents, while the other half are privately owned.


    2. Today is veterans day and I am a veteran and one of many reasons I volunteered and served was that all Americans including residents like those in the 26 homes can live in freedom from fear and tyranny. How many of those taking and giving donations served? I think I know the answer. Few to none.

  2. Aruna Miller, who is tagged on this post, is not only a county delegate (D-15, Democrat) in Annapolis, she is a traffic engineer and works in the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.


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