
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Parents Calling For Wires With Their Chromebooks to Cut Radiation

Parents Are Raising Concerns That MCPS Chromebooks Emit Radio- Frequency Radiation

Did you know some children are being allowed to use a wire with their technology device at school to decrease the radiation? Parents requested it.

"We understand that MCPS schools are now allowing children to use a wire with their Chromebooks because parents have requested it. This way the child is not getting direct radiation from the laptop or tablet when it is being used in classes. However, most parents are unaware this option exists." 
See this video featuring MCPS schools and the Chromebook. It has maps showing Wi-Fi access point locations in several schools.


  1. That's right. Parents asked for a wire for their child and it is allowed. Therefore any child in any MCPS school should be afforded the same protection. It cut the radiation exposure down hugely. In schools where their is RADON exposures it is even more important!

    Plus many parents are having their children moved so they sit further away from the microwave transmitters in classrooms. They are on the ceiling.

    1. Right, trying avoid omnidirectional transmitters is analogous to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    2. True, but maybe they will have a later onset of brain tumors? and by then they will have found the cure.

  2. What is the $14,000 report? How do you know they have a final report?

  3. MCPS put it up but it has a lot of factual errors.
    Who wrote such a thing? Certainly not anyone with scientific expertise.

    It is hard to know where to start as it is riddled with errors and unfortunate poorly substantiated assumptions.. but I think they need to go back and read the World Health Organization Monograph so they can at least write the facts up. sigh...

    1. The report date is July 2015, but it was just posted on November 13, 2015? Did it get lost on someone's desk?

  4. Whats really funny is how they quite the Bioinitiave 2007 report and refuse to refer to the 2012 in their graphs. Even though no one asked MCPS to do this. Most parents just want them to reduce as much as possible.

  5. The report is rubbish. They did not even test with all chromebooks on and a room of smartphones on. I hear kindergarteners have the laptops on laps. Thats plain wrong.

    1. If the radiation in question is coming from the transmitters why should the devices being on make a difference? What difference does cell phones make being on? First, kids don't use their cell phones in the classroom, if they're on they get their signal from the WiFi or from their cell carrier so that signal is there regardless of what's going on.

    2. Not sure where you are from 4:24, but here in Montgomery County students are starting to use their own personal devices in the classroom. Please read the report cited above and start educating yourself about the emissions from the Chromebooks. The report notes the levels they found from the Chromebooks and states that it is assumed that the Chromebooks are not in use all day.

  6. Well, the report says it all. Chromebooks are not expected to be in use all day long, yet parents and guardians have been reporting that Chromebooks are in use all day long.

  7. A Chromebooks manual states the Chromebook should be at an 8 inch distance from the body, therefore Laptops should not be on laps. period. that protects from radiation exposure we know are BAD. kills sperm. fries eggs that kind of thing.


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