
Monday, November 9, 2015

Petition - 20878: Don't let our neighborhood and schools become overdeveloped, over commercialized, and traffic ridden!

Those of us who live in the neighborhoods surrounding the Johnson land tract (26 acres near the corner of 124 and 28 in Gaithersburg, MD) have serious concerns about the latest development plan. The land currently sits in Montgomery County but Gaithersburg City is being petitioned by the owner and developers to annex the land to Gaithersburg City so that ground breaking could occur much sooner.
The plan would add HUNDREDS of additional houses, townhouses and condos (up to six stories high) to our neighborhood as well as add mixed use space for additional retail. The zoning change would allow bigger retail to take over that space increasing traffic to and through our neighborhoods. We do not want another Downtown Crown near our homes and schools.
We are already dealing with increasing amounts of traffic in this area, especially during the morning and evening commutes and after Quince Orchard HS school hours and events.
Many of us moved to Montgomery County --even though the price of homes were higher-- because it supposedly had top notch schools for our children. Now, our schools are already over capacity and our children are learning in portable classrooms. They have to walk outside--no matter the weather-- to get to the school's common areas. This already should be seen as a security concern in today's world. Class sizes keep rising while budgets remain flat or get cut.. We are supposed to be one of the best school districts in the country but with this level of growth, that will not continue.
Please help us keep this community enjoyable, safe for our drivers, and able to sustain quality education.
I urge you deny the annexation of this property and keep our neighborhoods from becoming overcrowded, over commercialized, and traffic ridden.

1 comment:

  1. The new Sector Plan draft written by the Montgomery County
    Planning Department Staff will propose big changes to Lyttonsville and
    Rosemary Hills neighborhoods including zoning for more than 6500 additional
    apartments in the sector plan area, including up to 3000 within
    our neighborhoods.

    Effective community response can greatly alter this plan.Join
    with us in developing and implementing a community wide action

    Lyttonsville CommunityCivic Association and the Rosemary Hills Neighbors’ Association.


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