
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bowers Putting More Cell Towers on Red Zone Playgrounds #parkland #neelsville

Now that Larry Bowers is in charge cell towers can go up on Red Zone (high poverty) playgrounds. The next two Red Zone schools getting cell towers are Parkland and Neelsville Middle Schools. 

Green zone parents and guardians have been adamant that they do not want these commercial structures on their local school land.

Montgomery County is being permanently changed by the placement of cell towers on Red Zone schools.  Anyone driving around the County will easily be able to tell the poverty level of a neighborhood by the big, tall cell tower marking the public school playground. 


  1. So sad. Radiating the kids , putting a fire hazard at the school??Lets hope parents take a stand

    1. The notice only went out in English. Tough luck for the households that speak Spanish. But, that's how MCPS handles these construction projects in the Red Zone.

    2. it's not anymore a fire hazard than your own house. One instance that shows a fire at the base of a tower does not prove that they are a fire hazard. There are zero studies to show if kids are actually affected by the towers. Even a Verizon engineer was quoted as saying he would have no problem raising his own kids living under a tower. This information presented by PC of MC is misguiding.

    3. @4:13 AM - Up EARLY to start posting garbage! Guess you get paid by the post, right? Since we know you work for the cell tower industry, your purpose is to attempt to paint commercial HAZMAT structures on playgrounds as something fun for the kids, right? How much are you paid to do this?

      Sorry, you strike out. First, cell towers have caught on fire numerous times, not just once. And, unlike a home, when they catch on fire at the base they FALL OVER! That's why the FALL ZONE of a cell tower is part of it's construction review.

      Apparently, your Verizon engineer has not read the warning signs posted on cell towers, because they are very clear that the base of a cell tower is not a place to hang out.

      Nothing misguiding at all about the information we have put out. THESE ARE PLAYGROUNDS FOR CHILDREN. Commercial HAZMAT facilities have NO PLACE ON PLAYGROUNDS!
      For your information, you don't see swing sets on playgrounds anymore because they were determined to be safety hazards. That's right, swing sets!

      Now, you think a cell tower to play on is safer than a swing set? Not hardly.

  2. Our man called Larry Bowers
    Was granted all the powers
    To erect more cell towers
    In the fields full of flowers.

  3. In light worldwide terrorist activities and threats, including those
    affecting the US and US public schools, for cell towers to be operating at
    Montgomery County Public Schools, and now for more to be sought, seems
    unconscionable. We should expect our Board of Education to put the safety
    and welfare of our children and those we entrust with their care above all
    else. Terrorists in Afghanistan and Nigeria have engaged in "Cell Wars,"
    vandalizing, disabling, and destroying cell towers.

    This is also reason to rethink easements on school grounds, like the one at Roscoe Nix, which
    allows tower workers to cross through school property to enter a neighboring
    swim club to service cell tower antennas and generators. Note
    that pipe bombs were found by the Twin Farms Swim Club, also in Silver Spring.

  4. Today (12/17), at 10 am, WAMU Diane Rhem's topic will be "Assessing Violent
    Threats Against Our Schools." Her guest include Josh Starr, responsible for
    many of MCPS's cell towers, and Rosa Atkins, (Superintendent,
    Charlottesville, VA), where Milestone Communications is trying to increase
    its cell tower presence at schools. How will Diane's other guests, the ones
    with true expertise in school safety and security, suggest mitigating the
    threats of cell towers at schools?

  5. Today (12/17), at 10 am, WAMU Diane Rhem's topic will be "Assessing Violent
    Threats Against Our Schools." Her guest include Josh Starr, responsible for
    many of MCPS's cell towers, and Rosa Atkins, (Superintendent,
    Charlottesville, VA), where Milestone Communications is trying to increase
    its cell tower presence at schools. How will Diane's other guests, the ones
    with true expertise in school safety and security, suggest mitigating the
    threats of cell towers at schools?


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