
Friday, December 11, 2015

Bowers Takes Away State Teachers Convention Day in New 2016-17 Calendar

Here is the latest version of the 2016-17 MCPS school year calendar.

In this version, the annual MSEA State Education Association convention no school day becomes a school day.  The Board of Education will vote on this version of the 2016-17 calendar on Monday, December 14th.  The Board of Education is not permitting public comment at the Monday, December 14th meeting.$file/2016-2017%20Sch%20Yr%20Calendar.pdf


  1. Finally. It is ridiculous and insulting for MCEA to have a day off during school, when all summer the classrooms are closed and there are no school days and so no student/teaching disruption. Other academic professions hold their conferences when school is out of session. It's about time MSEA does the same.

    1. The music educators' conventions, both the national (NAfME) and Maryland state (MMEA) ones, are during the school year. It's why I've been to precisely TWO of them (one during Spring Break, many years ago) during my entire career. :-( For a while, even MCPS's music educator in-service meetings were during regular school days, so we couldn't attend our own PD if we didn't have a sub.

  2. Ok you move the convention to the summer...Bye bye Ocean City, bye bye convention center and hotel income during the off-season. Peter Franchot already wants to have schools start after Labor day to help OC, do you think he will want this??
    Also where is MCPS coming up with the money to pay for the substitutes for the convention goers??

    1. So I have to spend my tax dollars supporting the eastern shore with through this indirect mechanism? If the purpose of this convention is to prop up Ocean City, it's probably cheaper for us to drop the $70,000 we use to belong to MABE, plus the money spent on these conventions, and just have Hogan and the state delegation figure out a way to take our tax dollars and give them directly to the eastern shore counties instead of through this organization. And, if that's the basis on which these conventions are held, why do they need to be at Ocean City every year? Aren't there other places in Maryland that can use the money? How about western Maryland? Last I looked they could use some tax dollars too.

    2. I've often wondered why the location is either not more central or isn't rotated among different areas of the state.


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