
Monday, December 14, 2015

Congress Enacts Toomey Measure to Help Protect Children from Pedophiles Infiltrating the Classroom #listenupMCPS

Under this new federal law, MCPS will no longer be able to Pass-the-Trash by allowing teachers who are known or suspected child sexual predators to quit and move on to new jobs with children with a MCPS recommendation. 

We have no doubt MCPS administrators will find a way to circumvent this new federal law. That is the MCPS way, after all. Remember, MCPS administrators have been leaving suspected child sexual abusers IN CLASSROOMS WITH CHILDREN for over 20 years.  That practice has been documented by the Maryland State Board of Education. The Maryland legislature, however, has failed to even acknowledge this practice, much less take any action to protect Maryland students. 

Enforcement of this new federal law in Montgomery County will rely on parents and guardians reporting violations to the federal government.   


Education Bill, Including Pass-the-Trash Ban, Goes to President’s Desk

...Under Toomey's provision to the Every Student Succeeds Act, schools will no longer be able to help a known child molester obtain a job elsewhere, and become someone else's problem. It is hard to imagine that this appalling practice ever occurs-much less occurs so frequently as to have its own moniker, ‘passing the trash.' Congress's ban is long overdue. This is a victory for children in Pennsylvania and across the country," said Sen. Toomey....
...Sally Cooke, of Blackwood, N.J., the mother of a child who was sexually abused by her track coach, explained how crucial Sen. Toomey's legislation is. She said, "Thank you from every child who will not have the guilt, the shame, the pain of abuse. Thank you from every mother who had to watch her child endure the pain, the trauma of abuse. Thank you for protecting our children. Thank you for standing up and saying this is not okay that our children are exposed to these criminals. I hope everyone realizes what an impact this bill has: Many children are safer. Because of this bill, and Sen. Toomey's efforts, we are a better society."

Sen. Toomey's legislation to ban passing the trash was inspired by the tragic story of 12-year-old Jeremy Bell. A school in Delaware County, Pa. quietly dismissed a teacher for molesting several children. But instead of acting to stop the predator, the school helped him obtain a new job in West Virginia, sending letters of recommendation for the teacher. That teacher continued to harm young children, eventually raping and murdering Jeremy Bell.

Under Sen. Toomey's provision, a school district that receives federal funds shall not assist a school worker in obtaining a new job if the school knows or has probable cause to believe that the school worker engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor or student.

The provision has been endorsed by seven child advocacy groups, three law enforcement organizations, and three prosecutors groups:
Child Advocates:
National Children's Alliance
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
S.E.S.A.M.E. (Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct & Exploitation)
Center for Children's Justice
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
MassKids, Inc.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Law Enforcement:
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
National Association of Police Organizations
National Sheriffs' Association
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
National District Attorneys Association
PA District Attorneys' Association


  1. It is interesting to note that endorsements from Maryland organizations are conspicuously absent . . .

  2. "We have no doubt MCPS administrators will find a way to circumvent this new federal law."
    With a little help from their colleagues in Annapolis.


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