
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

In 2014: Senators Raskin, Forehand, King, Frosh and Zirkin Left Loopholes in Sex Abuse of Teens Law

April 8, 2014
Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County 
2014 Press Release on passage of SB460 and HB781

...Loopholes still remain in Maryland law with regard to volunteers, coaches in programs outside schools, and recreational programs.  These loopholes give persons in positions of authority a free pass to sexually exploit teenagers...

Here is the result of Senator Raskin, Forehand, King, Frosh and Zirkin's intense efforts to KEEP THESE LOOPHOLES in Maryland law.  

The Senators won, this student lost. 

Read about the legislation that was passed in 2014, that allows this coach to escape criminal charges.  Our Montgomery County legislators fought hard to KEEP THESE LOOPHOLES in the law, and they won.

1 comment:

  1. In other words our part time legislators succeeded in having the exceptions outlaw the rules.


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