
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

MCPS BOE doesn't care if artificial turf fields are safe

Yet another article and report with yet more data on the dangers to students from playing on the artificial turf fields that will soon be in every high school in Montgomery County.  We already know the Board of Education members encourage having no maintenance on the artificial turf fields.

Concussion Report Highlights Field Maintenance, by reporter Ken Belson, from the New York Times, Dec 29, 2015

"When St. Louis Rams quarterback Case Keenum sustained a concussion in a game in Baltimore last month, commentators focused on how he wobbled when he got up and questioned why he was not taken out of the game. Few mentioned that he had slammed his head on the turf.'


"A new report compiled by the Concussion Legacy Foundation called attention to the link between head injuries and poorly maintained fields, especially the growing number of those made of synthetic turf.  The foundation urged groundskeepers, athletic directors and sports associations to treat their fields as seriously as other protective sports equipment."


"Despite the increase in synthetic fields, precise data on how they are maintained is spotty. Experts who maintain fields professionally say that many schools and parks departments forgo basic maintenance and do not test their fields to determine whether they have become too hard because they are unaware it is needed or because they want to keep costs down."

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