
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why MCPS Administrators Do Not Notify Parents of Cell Tower Construction

MCPS administrators are currently trying to sneak at least two cell towers on to public school playgrounds.

Why sneak? Because MCPS administrators know how parents and guardians feel about these construction projects!  Parents and guardians are overwhelmingly opposed to the construction of commercial HAZMAT facilities on playgrounds!

Parents and guardians want school playgrounds to be safe places for their children to play.  Parents and guardians are not being lobbied or bribed by private for profit companies, they want a safe place for their children.

Here is video of how MCPS parents and community members feel about the placement of cell towers on public school playgrounds and fields.  The feelings expressed in this video have been heard from parents and guardians all over the county. 

Red Zone and Green Zone parents all feel the same way about these commercial HAZMAT for-profit construction projects. Parents and guardians all over the county are outraged when MCPS attempts to construct these projects on their local school playground.

The difference is that in the Red Zone, MCPS administrators work very, very hard to sneak the towers in without parents and guardians finding out what is going on.  That's called EQUITY in Montgomery County.  Thank your local Apple Ballot elected leader!

Video: Outraged Community at Wootton High School Cell Tower Meeting

1 comment:

  1. "Parents and guardians are overwhelmingly opposed to the construction of commercial HAZMAT facilities on playgrounds!" but not opposed enough to vote out the BOE that is pushing these cell towers, some of whom have been on the board for over 15 years. BOE Elections are next year. Candidates are announcing now.


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