
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

WJLA ABC7: Despite flunking EPA radon standards, MCPS says, "schools are safe"

During an on-camera interview Tuesday, MCPS communications chief Brian Edwards stated that the 28 county schools, which were tested as having radon levels between 4 and 11.8 pc/l (picocuries per liter), are still "safe" for students and staff members alike.


"I would say it's a bunch of bologna," remarked Jim Keilson, a radon inspector with Maryland Home Inspector's, Inc. "No disrespect to him or anyone else that buys into that jargon, but it's just not true. I would ask [Mr. Edwards], if he were here with me, to show me [the report]."

Read and watch the full story at:

Note:  The Parents' Coalition requested the actual test reports (instead of the spreadsheet summary that has been provided), but Mr. Edwards replied by demanding a payment of $339.   The Parents' Coalition has now asked every member of the Montgomery County Board of Education, every member of the Montgomery County council and several state legislators from Montgomery County to obtain the actual test reports from MCPS and release them to the public.   So far, none of the elected officials have responded to our request.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. Parents have to pay for the report? This should result in a lawsuit and law changing.


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