
Friday, January 15, 2016

Marc Elrich and MCCPTA Pushing for Property Tax Increase [Even though no new teachers in MCPS budget]

...Council member Marc Elrich, who Leggett invited to speak toward the end of the forum, said he’d vote for a property tax increase but that getting all nine council members to support it is “virtually impossible.”
He encouraged residents instead to get a referendum on the ballot to do away with the requirement for unanimous approval.
“We ought to have an honest debate and if people don’t like us because we raised taxes, then they can elect us out of office,” Elrich said.
Paul Geller, vice president of the Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations, told Leggett his organization is prepared to advocate for a property tax increase so the county can move toward reducing class sizes, adding more counselors in schools and making other additions to the education budget, which takes up roughly half of the county’s $5 billion annual budget...


  1. But, will these super-educated students remain in MoCo and contribute to its economy?

  2. Befor Paul Geller decides that MCCPTA will support a property tax increase, he better make sure his membership supports him. I don't see anything about advocating for tax increases in the MCCPTA legislative priorities. Am I missing something?

    1. There is no correlation between property tax increase and quality of education.

  3. Elrich lives in Takoma Park, as do almost all of the County Councilmembers. One thing the council can do is get rid of the subsidy to Takoma Park's private library. Why should taxpayers from all over the county contribute to their special, precious library? We have a good public library system that residents want to support. Why are we paying for Takoma Park's private library?


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