
Thursday, February 18, 2016

BOE: We Can't Hear You, We Are At Lunch!

At the Parkland Magnet Middle School cell tower proposal meeting, a Board of Education staff member said, "I'm not an authority to accept the vote." 

Who would be an "authority" to accept a vote of parents and community members on a Board of Education proposal to put a cell tower in a school's loading dock?
Why do Board of Education members always turn down requests to attend parent and community meetings on important issues?

We know that the very next day after the Parkland meeting, a majority of the Montgomery County Board of Education were in Annapolis having LUNCH with their fellow MABE club members!  Who has time for constituents when there is free lunch!    
  • MABE is the Maryland Association of Boards of Education.  
  • MABE is a private club for Board of Education members that costs taxpayers in Montgomery County over $70,000 a year.
  • MABE allows BOE members to meet outside the Maryland Open Meetings Act.  The public is not allowed to attend or observe any of these meetings and minutes are not made public.  
  • MABE is sponsored, in part, by a CELL TOWER CONSTRUCTION FIRM.
Now you have your answer to why our Board of Education members will never attend a community meeting on a cell tower proposal.  
Cell tower vendors are funding BOE lunches and dinners at their private club meetings.

MABE released a fun video of their February 12, 2016, luncheon.  Turn up the sound and enjoy!

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