
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"I want to build a student movement that has accountability for student leaders"

Four Students Face Off For Seat on Board of Education
...Abrosimov, however, said student leaders have not been responsive enough to the needs of students. The sophomore at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville entered the race because he believes there is a disconnect between students and their representatives.
“I want to build a student movement that has accountability for student leaders,” he said, noting that student leaders should not be interested in “just getting bullet points on their resume.”
Between his time on the swim team and debate team, Abrosimov started his own club, the Student Union Party, which advocates for various issues and now has more than 200 members...

...Gonzalez, a sophomore at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, was similarly inspired to run because of perceived faults in the school system, including the school board’s recent decision regarding final exams.
“When I heard the decision about final exams switching from the end of each semester to the end of each quarter, I wasn’t happy about that and felt like student voices weren’t included,” she said...

...Kim, a junior at Wheaton High School, where he is student body president, said his campaign focuses on providing “a voice, not just a face” for the student body and promoting student interests to the board...

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