
Monday, February 29, 2016

#MCPS Special Ed Student Data Breach, @MCPS Sits On Information for Months, Doesn't Notify Parents Themselves

MCPS to Parents: You're On Your Own.

Washington Post, February 29, 2019

Stolen computer had MCPS special education student data on hard drive

The data included parent and student names, addresses, phone numbers, students’ birth dates, school status, disability, race, home language spoken, mediation and hearing outcomes, most recent IEP meeting date and type, and school enrollment information. No social security numbers were included.

The school system provided the data to WestEd to help identify parents to participate in a focus group or survey for the special education study.

“We are frustrated with their carelessness toward our records,” said Montgomery schools spokesman Derek Turner.

To read the whole article, CLICK HERE.

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