
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

MCPS Special needs students' information compromised


  1. OMG This is really bad. What's MCPS going to do about this. Why did MCPS not inform parents?

    1. Most likely they "Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted."

  2. This is total crap.

    Why did WestEd take more than THREE months to inform parents?

    When did WestEd inform MCPS?

    If WestEd informed MCPS before February, why didn’t MCPS inform Parents?

    Where is law enforcement on this?

    In almost all other personal data breaches, corporate entities (Target, Walmart, etc.) offer at least one year of free identity protection services. Why did WestEd not do this?

    This is much worse than just a potential identity theft incident. The identities of adults and MINORS with disabilities have been compromised… As far as the special needs students are concerned, do you know what’s in a special needs student’s IEP? …EVERYTHING: Academic information, behavioral information, accommodations, medications, possible physical/mental/emotional impairments, placement (school), coding, date of birth, class schedules and just about anything and everything else… in other words, a possible blueprint for someone wishing to stalk and prey on your child. Where’s MCPS in trying to protect our children? It’s obvious by their silence that they don’t give a damn about the safety of children.

    Also, many parents of special needs children, who participated in the online survey, NEVER received one of these letters. They don’t even know to be concerned.

    This should teach anyone, to “participate” in MCPS “information gathering.” MCPS could have stipulated in its contact with WestEd that all parent/child information be encrypted. This was not done… why? …MCPS just doesn’t care. The next time MCPS asks you or your child to provide information, think twice… it might end up on the black market or in the hands of the pervert sitting in his unmarked van outside your child's school.

    1. You mean that this totally criminal negligence.

  3. MCPS doesn't care; they don't have to.


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