
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Md. Senate holds up seven Hogan appointments #education

The Senate Executive Nominations Committee voted Monday night to delay the confirmations of seven of the nearly six dozen appointees of Gov. Larry Hogan who are expected to be voted on as early as Friday. And while the chairman of the committee says the delays are part of the process, some Democratic senators made it clear that the some of the delays could be lengthy.

“None of the appointees should be aggrieved by this process,” said Sen. Jamin B. “Jamie” Raskin, D-Montgomery and chairman of the committee. “This is precisely what is contemplated by our constitution — advice and consent. We consent, but we also advise along the way.”

All of those being delayed are appointees to boards overseeing education, transportation and energy issues — subject areas over which the Senate has clashed with Hogan since the start of the session...

...The committee also held the appointment of Chester B. Finn to the state school board one day before the Senate recommitted a bill giving it confirmation powers over the next state schools superintendent...

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