
Thursday, February 25, 2016

New tests show radon at potentially deadly levels in many schools

While the number of children and staff members who get lung cancer and die from radon exposure in MCPS facilities won't be known until many years in the future, tests reveal that the levels are well beyond EPA-recommended maximum levels in many classrooms and offices.

The most current available results are at the following link:

Some schools are still in the process of being tested, so if your school's results are not from 2015 or 2016, check back every week or so.

 Summary Radon Test Reports For All Facilities
 Individual Facility Radon Test Reports  
Elementary Schools             Middle Schools             High Schools            Other Facilities


  1. By the time they get around to it, they'll be gone. . .

  2. MCPS doesn't care; they don't have to.

  3. What will it take for parents to wake up. A KNOWN CARCINOGEN.

  4. Newport mill Room 219, 217, 207 sky high!

  5. All the links listed on this post under: "Summary Radon Test Reports For All Facilities," (Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Other Facilities) are broken and yield the following MCPS message when clicked: "[404] Feeling Lost? The page you were looking for might have been • deleted or never even existed. •moved to a new location." The other links for "Individual Facility Radon Test Reports" still work.

    1. All the links are broken
      All the links are broken
      They're in a disarray
      They're in a disarray
      And no one to talk to
      And no one to talk to
      On a winter's day
      On a winter's day

    2. That's very entertaining... It's a good thing that this topic doesn't involve the health and possibly the very lives of our children... oh wait; it does.

    3. Thank you for letting us know. MCPS changed the locations of the reports shortly after we posted this story. The links have been updated. Let us know if you encounter any other problems.


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