
Friday, February 19, 2016

"Parents worry Wi-Fi could harm students" Montgomery Sentinel 2/19/2016

Parents Worry Wi-Fi Could Harm Students
ROCKVILLE — A few parents at a Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education meeting said they worried that wireless computers and devices with wireless Internet was gradually impeding the health of students.

Read some excerpts from the article.. "David Carpenter is a former county resident and a general physician who served on committees with scientists who performed research about the effects of radio frequency radiation.

He wrote a letter to members of MCPS management in November encouraging them not to have the school system connected to the Internet wirelessly. Carpenter also is the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.

“It’s appropriate that every child have access to the Internet, but the problem is when it’s wireless access to the Internet, there is exposure to radio frequencies,” said Carpenter.

MCPS spokesperson Derek Turner said MCPS follows guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission. One of the repeated concerns of parents who testified at the meeting and said the standard was 20 years old.  Turner said the guideline had been updated in 2013. "

So were the guidelines updated in 2013 or 20 years ago? That is the question.  Read more at

1 comment:

  1. First, there are far more than three teachers concerned.

    Second FCC guidelines have not been reviewed for 20 years. Facts are facts.
    Unfortunately, MCPS is staff is reading the MCPS Statement about Radio frequency radiation which has several incorrect statements. I have sent MCPS staff multiple letters informing them that there was no 2013 review but it seems they are not taking the time to read these letters? I hope they start reading our letters.

    Please see below.
    In 2012, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a Report that states, “The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) RF energy exposure limit may not reflect the latest research” and the report officially recommended that the FCC “Formally reassess the current RF energy exposure limit, including its effects on human health, the costs and benefits associated with keeping the current limit, and the opinions of relevant health and safety agencies, and change the limit if determined appropriate.”
    The Report also states that:"FCC set an RF energy exposure limit for mobile phones in 1996, based on recommendations from federal health and safety agencies and international organizations...
    In the conclusion it states that, "However, FCC has not formally asked FDA or EPA for their assessment of the limit since 1996, during which time there have been significant improvements in RF energy research and therefore a better understanding of the thermal effects of RF energy exposure." Read it here


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