
Friday, February 5, 2016

Proposed MD Legislation Update from Heroin Action Coalition

Maryland General Assembly, 2016
Week of February 8th – 12th

HB15: Suspected Overdoses –Reporting Requirement. –Hearing in Health & Government Operations Committee on 2/2 at 1:00 –House Office Building, Annapolis. 
Sponsor:  Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Summary:  Requiring specified individuals who treat or are in charge of a hospital that treats an individual in Harford County for a suspected overdose that was caused or shows evidence of having been caused by a Schedule I controlled dangerous substance to notify the county sheriff, county police, or the Department of State Police of the suspected overdose within 48 hours after the individual is treated; requiring that a report of a suspected overdose include specified information; and establishing a specified penalty. –National Council on Alcohol & Drug Dependence
Please Testify:  Advocates are seeking people to testify in opposition of this bill –particularly anyone having personal experience with negative police interactions following an overdose.  Call Linda Williams, Addictions Connections Resources (ACR) at 443-417-6405.

HB 24: Overdose Response Program –Educational Training Requirement. –Hearing in Health & Government Operations Committee on 2/2 at 1:00 –House Office Building, Annapolis. 
Sponsor:  Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Summary:  Requiring educational training for an Overdose Response Program overseen by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to include training in the requirement to immediately contact medical services after the administration of naloxone by a certificate holder instead of training in the importance of contacting emergency medical services.  –National Council on Alcohol & Drug Dependence
Please Testify:  Advocates are seeking people to testify in opposition of this bill –particularly anyone having personal experience with negative police interactions after calling Emergency Medical Services following an overdose.  Call Linda Williams, Addictions Connections Resources (ACR) at 443-417-6405.

SB 315: Homicide, Kidnapping, and Drug Offenses. –Hearing in Health & Government Operations Committee on 2/2 at 1:00 –House Office Building, Annapolis. 
Sponsors:  Senators Hough, Brochin, Cassilly, Norman, and Ready
Summary:  This bill would increase criminal penalties for being involved in the overdose death of another due to heroin mixed with fentanyl. The bill also increases the maximum penalty for 2nd degree murder from 30 to 40 years. NCADD is opposing.
Bill Online:

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