
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tonight: BOE Turning Classrooms into Offices for Administrators. Who needs Classrooms? Not MCPS Students. #ClassroomTrailers #portables

Once again we see that the use of classroom trailers is a CHOICE by our elected Board of Education.  

Here is another empty school building that will not be used for public school students.  The Board of Education is planning on using this entire empty public school building as offices for administrators.

MCPS is holding a meeting THIS EVENING (February 3, 2016
to announce this plan to the community.  

The Board of Education is planning on using English Manor Elementary School for administrator offices.  English Manor was previously under the control of Montgomery County Government, however, Montgomery County is now apparently turning this school building back over to the Board of Education for their use.
The English Manor Elementary School is located in Rockville on 8.25 acres.  The building is 57,575 square feet of space with 28 classrooms.  According to MD State public school guidelines, 28 classrooms could provide interior classroom space for up to 644 students, thus eliminating 28 classroom trailers.  But, our Board of Education would rather put administrators in these classrooms.  It's a choice that has kept MCPS public school students in trailers outside of school buildings for over 30 years. 

The Board of Education would rather put your child in THIS 
(Yes, that is an actual MCPS classroom trailer. No windows on the side.)

than THIS:

English Manor Elementary School


  1. Do we know if Barnsley, Brookhaven, Flower Valley and Strathmore, which are the next closest ES's to English Manor, overcrowded?

    1. Who cares?

      There are 23 classroom trailers in use in the Rockville Cluster.

      Barnsley has 10 all by itself.

      It's good for the kids to be outside. Builds character, right?
      It's the administrators we have to worry about.


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