
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Breaking: Parents Stop Parkland MS Cell Tower! But, No Official Notification Yet.

The Parents' Coalition has learned that MCPS has finally withdrawn their proposal to build a cell tower in Parkland Magnet Middle School's loading dock.  However, no formal memorandum of this decision has been released by MCPS or the Board of Education as of today. 

Parkland MMS Parents, community members and principal were all opposed to this horrendous plan that would have disrupted school operations, taken away parking spaces, and put a cell tower right next to the school.

Councilmember and Education Committee Chair Craig Rice believes that all schools in MCPS should be seen as equal by parents.  However, Councilmember Rice refuses to acknowledge that MCPS Red Zone (high free lunch population of students) schools are treated very differently from MCPS Green Zone schools.

The Parkland MMS cell tower proposal is a case in point.

When the Wootton High School (Green Zone) parents and community were opposed to a cell tower being built at that school, the plans for the cell tower were withdrawn within 48 hours of the PTA/community meeting and parents received a formal memorandum from the superintendent confirming that outcome.  See the memorandum below.

When the Parkland MMS (Red Zone)  parents held the identical meeting and expressed the identical opposition, MCPS refused to even acknowledge the opposition for 20 days and still has not produced a formal memorandum cancelling the project.  Parkland MMS parents have been forced to continue their advocacy.  Instead of spending time with their children, these Red Zone parents must continue to advocate to assure that this cell tower project has been cancelled.

Wootton HS parents got immediate results from their advocacy, Parkland MMS parents must wait weeks to find out if their identical advocacy is being acknowledged by MCPS and the Board of Education. 

Councilmember Rice, you call this equity?   

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