
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

FieldTurf: "Yes, there is lead in our products."

The Parents' Coalition has previously reported on the fact that there is lead in the artificial turf that the Board of Education and Montgomery County Parks uses on football and soccer fields.

Lead levels are of no interest to our elected officials, PTAs or parent community and so there has never been any local action to address this fact.  Remember that artificial turf purchases made by the Board of Education are never put out for competitive bids, and there is never any discussion about the content of comparable products.  FieldTurf is the one and only plastic grass that the Board of Education buys. 

There is currently legislation being proposed in Annapolis  (House Bill 883) that would require signs at artificial turf fields based on warnings issued by the CDC.  On March 11, 2016, the Maryland House Ways and Means Committee held a public hearing on this proposed legislation.  A representative from FieldTurf spoke at the public hearing and answered a question about the existence of lead in FieldTurf products.  His answer is shown in the video below.

The Board of Education uses FieldTurf artificial turf at the following high school football fields:
Gaithersburg HS
Walter Johnson HS
Paint Branch HS
Richard Montgomery HS
Wootton HS

The Maryland National Parks and Planning Department uses Field Turf at the Montgomery Blair High School football field.


  1. This is a done deal. Nothing is going to stop these artificial turfs being installed (especially from this one company). I guess the question is, is the BOE prepared to establish a fund to counter the law suits from parents if kids become sick or worse yet develop cancer linked to fields the BOE installed knowing the danger of the turf?

  2. Vote, please. Thanks very much


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