
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Lawsuit Claims Rockville Mayor and Council Members Conspired to Craft Illegal Zoning Law to Block Self-Storage Facility

A self-storage warehouse company’s lawsuit over a City of Rockville zoning change that blocked it from building a facility near an elementary school is set for a May hearing in federal court.

Lawsuit Claims Rockville Mayor and Council Members Conspired to Craft Illegal Zoning Law to Block Self-Storage Facility


  1. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Sir Isaac Newton

  2. For every attempt by citizens (and sometimes elected officials) to reign in development, there's an equal and opposite legal action on the part of an $800/hr development attorney.

    1. The Legal scholars
      With starched collars
      Enjoy fancy dinners
      With our tax dollars.

  3. Federal Judge Dismisses Self-storage Complaint Against Rockville Mayor and Council Zoning Rule

    Federal judge dismissed a closely-watched challenge by a self-storage company to a Rockville city zoning rule that prevented it from building near Maryvale Elementary School on First Street. Judge Roger Titus, a former Rockville city attorney who now sits on the bench of federal district court in Greenbelt, ruled that Rockville Mayor and Council were within their rights to amend the zoning law. There would be an “enormous chilling effect” on every legislator in the state of Maryland if the case were allowed to proceed in federal court, Titus said at the end of a two-and-a-half-hour hearing. Titus said that lawmakers have “absolute immunity” from such lawsuits, and it would set a “dangerous precedent” to agree with the plaintiff that it was a“conspiracy” for lawmakers to listen and respond to citizens’ concerns.


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