
Thursday, March 3, 2016

MC Delegates Ana Sol Gutierrez, Aruna Miller, Marc Korman, and Kirill Reznik want to Eliminate Manadatory Audit of MCPS

Currently, Maryland law calls for a state audit of MCPS every 6 years.  MCPS has only had one of these audits, as the second audit from 2015 has not been released yet.

Yes, the MCPS audit is over a year overdue.  But, no matter, Delegates Gutierrez, Miller, Korman and Reznik want to eliminate the legislative requirement for these audits.  These four Montgomery County Delegates all sit on the Maryland House Appropriations Committee where yesterday they all voted to approve this legislation that will eliminate the mandatory 6 year audit of MCPS. 

Why audit MCPS' $2.4 billion dollar budget? Isn't it more fun to just let MCPS do what-ever with your tax dollars?  Knowing how your tax dollars are being spent can be so annoying. This link goes to the 2009 MCPS Audit.  

Zero oversight.  That's what we love here in Montgomery County. 

Here is the vote of the House Appropriations Committee showing how our Montgomery County Delegates voted on this bill. Spoiler alert: They voted to support the elimination of state audits! 


  1. Donald Trump's people in the House. All BS and no accountability.

  2. What does this have to do with Trump? These are Democrats that proposed and voted for this legislation...

    1. Indubitably!

    2. And the difference is?

    3. Not Donald Trump's people at all. Three of the four are immigrants and all are democrats. Still, lots of BS and no accountability.

    4. Immigrants and political party are irrelevant. This is the Donald Trump mentality. Shut down accountability without public notice. Do not represent citizens, represent self-interest only.

  3. Whew! That audit from 2009 was a scorcher. Well worth the relatively small cost for an audit that makes so many useful, money-saving recommendations. Did the state delegates even read it?

  4. It's actions like this proposal, the gerrymandering of the state, etc., that infuriate people. Is it any wonder that people are looking to Trump for salvation?

  5. When will they eliminate mandatory taxes for the MC residents?

  6. "They voted to support the elimination of state audits!" We sure know how to pick them!

  7. Maryland: One of the most corrupt states in the union.



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