
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Petition: Stop Maryland Serial Rapists and Child Molesters- Pass HB218 and SB235

Parents' Coalition note: We are amazed by the fact that this petition was started by the Office of the State Attorney for Baltimore.  On the other hand, here in Montgomery County our office of State's Attorney questions why trafficking and leaving kids with known sex offenders should be included in our public school policies.  We do not see the same level of advocacy for children here in Montgomery County that is being seen in Baltimore.  Why is that? 
We need your support to pass Maryland House Bill 218... and  Maryland Senate Bill 235...  This legislation will close loopholes that allow serial predators to hide their prior bad acts from juries.

Under current law, Maryland prosecutors are prohibited from introducing evidence of a defendant’s past predatory sex acts as evidence to be considered during trial. For years, Nelson Clifford, convicted serial rapist, used this loophole in the law to escape justice four times before he was finally convicted and sentenced last year.  Clifford was able to convince juries again and again that the sex was consensual and we were forbidden from telling juries about his other charges.

We cannot let another Nelson Clifford slip through our grasp. We need to pass HB218 and SB235 now to stop other serial rapists and child molesters before they can attack again.
Sign the petition today to tell your representatives in the Maryland General Assembly that it is time to stop serial rapists and child molesters.  In the interest of justice, in the interest of fairness, in the interest of the safety of your family and friends, join our fight today.


  1. Good Luck with the part time legislature that modifies and passes bills to favor their clients the rest of the year.

  2. ". . . used this loophole in the law to escape justice four times before he was finally convicted and sentenced last year." Annapolis must be the Loophole Capital of the world!

  3. "We do not see the same level of advocacy for children here in Montgomery County that is being seen in Baltimore." Why is that?
    Because here we get New Jersey style advocacy.


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parentscoalitionmc AT