
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Will Delegate Anne Kaiser Stop Warning Signs From Being Posted on Artificial Turf?

Currently, House Bill 883 is being held up in a subcommittee chaired by Montgomery County Delegate Anne Kaiser.  HB 883 would simply put the following sign on artificial turf fields in Maryland.  The cautions on the sign are based on CDC guidelines.

We know that the crumb rubber used in artificial turf football fields gets all over the players and all over anything on the field, including plates and drink containers.
Crumb rubber on plate on Blair HS artificial turf field

We also know that Delegate Anne Kaiser is concerned about her own safety when using artificial turf fields.  Listen to her question at the March 11, 2016, hearing on HB 883 in the video below.

She cares about her own safety, now to find out if she cares about the safety of Maryland children who also use artificial turf fields.  Will she let HB 883 out of her committee or will she kill the bill? 


  1. Outrageous! Rather than being an obstacle, Del. Kaiser should expand and expedite this bill to provide residents greater protections. When MCPS treats schools with pesticides it furnishes a list of all chemicals so that I can keep my family safe from asthma attacks and allergic/chemical-sensitivity reactions. We are likewise entitled to the posting/publication of the complete list of VOCs in the field turf. It is irresponsible to hide critical health info. from us claiming that it's proprietary.


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