
Friday, April 8, 2016

Franchot, Hogan protest after Maryland legislature overrules school AC rule

Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot were fuming Wednesday that the General Assembly undid their decision to allow school systems to spend state tax money on portable air conditioners.

Speaking at a meeting of the Board of Public Works, Franchot also criticized the General Assembly over language in a budget bill that puts an end to the annual "beg-a-thon," in which local school superintendents appear before the board to ask for more construction money.

Hogan said the provisions were major reasons he decided not to sign the capital budget bill, where lawmakers made both changes. The bill will become law without his signature.

"It's one of the most absurd and ridiculous things I've ever seen the legislature do," Hogan said.
The provisions were adopted by a House-Senate conference committee that met last week to resolve differences between the two chambers' versions of the state's annual budget for construction projects.

Franchot complained that neither measure was aired in hearings during the legislature's 90-day session and weren't in earlier versions of the bill. He suggested the move was made in the dark and was a shot at him and Hogan.

"I think it's a bizarre use of the conference committee," Franchot said. "I don't know who put that language in. Nobody's raised their hand and said, 'I did it.'"...


  1. So glad Gov. Hogan did not sign off on this egregious budget. I hope those who voted for Aruna Miller think twice next election season. This will not be forgotten, how cruel she is and how she took a stand against the children of Maryland.

  2. "I don't know who put that language in. Nobody's raised their hand and said, 'I did it.'"...
    This is a universal comment that applies to every bill that they process.


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