
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Fuzzy Math Keeps Opposition to Tobytown Ride On Bus Alive

Last year, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation estimated that a Monday - Friday daytime Ride On bus route running every 60 - 75 minutes to Tobytown would draw 100 patrons.

This morning, at the County Council's Transportation Commitee meeting, Council staffer Glenn Orlin said that the Tobytown route would draw 48 patrons daily.  He said the line would draw 30 patrons during peak hours, and an additional 18 during the day.

But, Councilmember Tom Hucker apparently only heard the number 18 and said:
"I am struck by the cost per rider, if 18 is correct that's $10,000 per would be cheaper to buy them a car, right?"
No one in the room corrected Councilmember Hucker and he voted against the proposal to add all day Ride On bus service to Tobytown.

No one in the room explained why the Department of Transportation estimate of 100 patrons daily was not being used to discuss this proposal. 


  1. The most important thing now is to get the residents of Tobytown to the polls!! Vote against these people! We won't forget next time the councilmembers are up for election.

  2. Could "Dr." Orlin look even more bored? I doubt it. Amazing he is even awake while discussing Tobytown.


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