
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How 'bout some portapotties with those buses?

For those of you who thought that our previous post about the buses that will be parked on the Carver school site was not your concern, think again.

Apparently, while MCPS has to move 400 buses to make way for Bob Youngentrob's housing development on Crabbs Branch Way, you've got to see the plans!  Toilets!  Gas Tanks!  A hazardous waste site - and that's only the plan for 100 of these buses.   Bob doesn't care - his kids went to private schools and should be driving their own cars!

Here is additional information from the neighborhood group:

Worse Than We Knew: Fuel Tanks, Portable Trailers and Bathrooms
For those of you not able to have attended our neighborhood meeting last night, here is a summary.
First, the most troubling news. In response to our requests, MCPS provided the City with a project scope summary. If you’re not upset enough at this, please consider the following: In addition to 100 buses and chain link fencing, they are planning above-ground diesel storage tanks for fueling, three portable trailers and enough standalone portable toilet facilities to accommodate drivers and bus attendants. Construction is slated to begin in September.

Nowhere in any of the previous memoranda and other documentation was there any talk about above-ground fuel tanks and trailers and a row of portable toilets. So if you were not upset enough at the prospect of 100 buses and their noise and fumes parked and then traversing the neighborhood, now it has grown into a fueling station and trailer and toilet facility.
Once there, the buses and tanks will be there for a long time if not permanently. Barbed wire and night lighting can’t be far behind. Please join us in stopping this from going forward. Volunteers are needed to collect signatures, email officials, appear/testify at meetings and conduct research, among other activities. 
To volunteer, contact
Proposed Next Community Meeting: Tuesday April 19th at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville

Why do they need port-a-potties?  Can't the folks at Carver share with their fellow MCPS staffers or are they too high brow to share with bus drivers?

Same for the portable trailers/  Can't MCPS find a a few rooms in Carver for our dedicated bus drivers and attendants?

What about the other 300 buses?  Do the sites for these buses also require portapotties, trailers, and fencing?  Did MCPS share this with the neighbors?

Has anyone contact the hazardous materials folks?  Seems as if we have a violation or two or three.

And finally, where are all those MCCPTA folks supposed to park when they lose their spots?  Not to mention the folks who actually work at Carver?   Judy Docca and Pat O'Neill - you better start training for a really long walk when the bus drivers take over the Carver parking lot.


  1. With such facilities in place it begs the question as to when Rockville and Poolesville will swap names.

  2. No wonder... In Montgomery County's "pay to play" environment, EYA and it's principals (Eakin, Youngentrob, etc.) have given ten of thousands of dollars to Leggett, Leventhal, Floreen, Riemer and Berliner.

  3. Judy Docca, Pat O'Neill and all other other BOE members have reserved spaces right in front of the entrance to Carver.

  4. Judy Docca will just take a cab, no big deal....

  5. EYA also played host to Casey Anderson at their fabulous anniversary celebration which starred Dark Star Orchestra. Anderson's appearance almost certainly violates the ethics rules, but hey, who cares. Not the voters in Montgomery County.


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