
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Council's Education Comm. will Take Up State Audit of MCPS while You are on Vacation

According to a message posted on Facebook today by Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich, the Council's Education Committee will be discussing the 2016 Maryland State Office of Legislative Audits report on Montgomery County Public Schools sometime in August.  No date has been set yet for this discussion.

August is traditionally a time when many Montgomery County families take vacations.  Obviously, the Council wants to make sure you are out of town when the 2016 MCPS Audit is discussed.
The Council does not want you to see any news reports about the Audits findings or hear MCPS' response that the State auditors are wrong in their findings.

So let the Council know when your family will be out of town this summer so they can safely schedule a discussion of the 2016 State audit of MCPS when the least number of County residents will be in the County.


  1. It’s a typical Montgomery County Council ploy… when they want to “legislate” in the “dark” (i.e. don’t want the public to be aware of what they are doing), they discuss and vote on “sensitive” items during summer months, when most people are out of town on vacation. If the Montgomery County Council REALLY doesn’t want the “busybody” public involved with a piece of “legislation” they want to sneak by, they will take action on the Wednesday afternoon immediately before Thanksgiving. Leventhal did exactly that, when he tried to name the Rockville Memorial Library after failed former Montgomery County Executive candidate, Doug Duncan.

  2. That's about what we expect from sneaky Marc Elrich. He never met a backroom deal he didn't like.

    1. Thanks George. You've got a hell of a nerve accusing someone else of backroom deals, when you take more than 60% of your campaign money from the developers you support over citizens. Oh and by the way, I hear that you're running for Montgomery County Executive... That was a pretty low blow going after Ike's wife, Catherine Leggett, about Executive Ball accounting (which, by the way, you have attended every year for over a decade). Anyone can see that the Executive Ball "investigation" was a Trumpesque bogus claim on your part to differentiate yourself from the one person, who will beat you in 2018, Marc Elrich (who takes NO money from developers). PLEASE do run for executive... so when you lose, the county will finally be rid of you and your culture of corruption.

    2. You're right, Leavenworth, eh, I mean Leventhal will lose in a landslide!


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