
Thursday, May 19, 2016

increase of $326 in property taxes next fiscal year for the average county homeowner

...The property tax increase, which had to be approved by all nine council members because it surpassed the county’s inflation-based charter limit, will mean an increase of $326 in property taxes next fiscal year for the average county homeowner. The average home value in the county is $464,441...

...The operating budget will fund Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) at almost $90 million above the minimum per-pupil spending amount required by the state, an amount that will require at least as much per-pupil education funding in future budgets.
Floreen proposed the recordation tax increase, which the council unanimously approved with a straw vote Wednesday, to net the county about $200 million over the next few years. Most of the money will go toward the school system’s record $1.73 billion portion of the county’s $4.6 billion capital improvements program...

...Many in the real estate industry opposed the increase, but Floreen pointed to the fact the money will be used to stave off one-year delays to addition projects at Whitman and Wootton high schools...


  1. Their pay raise will more than cover that.

  2. This is an absolutely unfair tax increase. Resales and refinancing are not driving the increase in student population. The increase in student population is almost entirely due to massive overcrowding of existing homes, with multiple large families living in one home in many cases. Keep it up, county council, and soon there will be no middle class left to support the union's demands for pay increases.

    1. On the brighter side we'll be getting less for more.

  3. Throw the bums out! Sign the term limits petition. Please make sure to sign the term limits petition that would apply to the county council and the county executive.

    1. Out of where? Office, county, state, . . .?


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