
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

City of Rockville: Comprehensive Overview of MCPS Shady Grove Bus Depot Replacement Saga

The City of Rockville, City Manager has put together a comprehensive overview of the events that have occurred in the last few years concerning County Executive Ike Leggett's attempt to move the MCPS Shady Grove bus depot to make way for developers to build housing.  The City Manager's memo discusses the four most recent sites that have been proposed for some or all of the Shady Grove bus fleet and includes concerns that have been brought up by the public.

...Following completion of their presentation MCPS opened the meeting to public comment and questions. All of the speakers voiced opposition to the project and expressed several concerns related to the proposal. The following is not an exhaustive list of all concerns expressed, but is a summary of general themes presented:

  • noise impacts associated with the operation of the proposed bus depot at this location, given its adjacency to residential uses;
  • health concerns given the concentration of over 100 buses at a single location and resultant air quality impacts;
  • traffic impacts on the intersection of Mannakee Street and MD355;
  • multiple buses utilizing neighborhood streets in the vicinity of the proposed depot;
  • impact upon the adjacent historic district and Carver High School building; and,
  • incompatibility of the proposed bus depot with the surrounding neighborhood.

MCPS staff indicating that there would be a follow-up meeting on the subject, however no date was provided...

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