
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nancy Floreen: Cell Towers on Front Lawns will be "well received"

County Council President Nancy Floreen believes that once the public hears about her plan to allow cell towers to be added to residential neighborhoods without public hearings, her plan will be "well received" by County residents.

So let's give Ms. Floreen an example of what she is proposing.  Here is a house without a small cell tower in the front yard (left image).  Through Photo Shop we have added a cell tower to the front yard to show how Council President Floreen's proposal would impact an actual Montgomery County home.

The public hearing on Council President Floreen's proposal will be July 19, 2016, at 7:30 PM.  Sign up to speak at this public hearing by clicking this link.

Below is the video of Council President Floreen introducing her proposed zoning change.  (ZTA 16-05)

Home with cell tower added.


  1. Back to the future:

  2. Floreen's house & neighborhood first!

  3. When times were old
    And people were bold
    And things were not particular
    The leaders made the first move
    And the people followed literally.

  4. This is a joke, right?

    1. Did you vote for this council? The joke's on you. Maybe they'll run again! Lucky you. You can vote for them AGAIN. C'mon, we know you will!

  5. This picture is so clearly a photoshopped hoax not a real cell tower, and Ms. Floreen’s comment that the faster internet service will be “ well received” distorted into inferring cell towers will be , hat the originator must be questioned as to motive. They also ignore that she says this is up for public comment. Why this disingenuous attack? She also says clearly that’ cell towers will be installed on utility poles no less than 30 feet high. That’s an existing pole, so why photoshop one in? Really bad work here.

    1. Sorry, that is a real cell tower. It's the one that Montgomery County installed at the WRONG address over on Brickyard Road. And Nancy Floreen has already said she wants a cell tower in her front yard. She said that at a public meeting.

      Cell towers can NOT be installed on "existing" poles because they weigh hundreds of pounds and "existing" poles can not support the weight of the addition of a 300 pound cell tower on top. What happens is the "existing" poles are removed and a larger, stronger pole is installed. Get some facts. It will help you understand the issues.

      Here is the cell tower that was installed at the WRONG address on Brickyard Road in Potomac. Do you think that cell tower is 30 feet tall? Not even close.

    2. Here is the quote from the post above: "Through Photo Shop we have added a cell tower to the front yard to show how Council President Floreen's proposal would impact an actual Montgomery County home."

      I have a picture of the tower on Brickyard (erroneously placed, as you say). That is not a 5G cell transmitter. It's been around a long time and 5G has not been deployed yet.
      And here is a quote regarding 5G celltowers on poles, from Circa:
      "They are, well, smaller than a normal cell tower and are oftentimes attached to existing light poles or utility poles. They don't put out the same power as a typical cell phone tower, but their placement inside of cities, and in large numbers, is what will make 5G a reality."
      You are wrong on the size point as well. you do not need new poles for most 5G transmitters.
      I think you have been served up some fake news. There are some very good, unbiased articles about 5G available in national news publications such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
      And do you concede that what Nancy said would be "well received" was the faster internet service, not the cell towers? It's clear when you watch the tape.

    3. Yes, it is a 5G cell tower in the picture. 5G cell towers have been going up in Montgomery County for a couple of years. No one has said anyone is using them, but the towers are going up. Yes, you need new poles for the 5G transmitters. Go talk to the vendors, they are the ones that can explain to you why this is necessary. The transmitters are way, way too heavy for a spindly little light pole.
      Nancy Floreen just said she wanted a 5G cell tower in her front yard. It's on video from the recent worksession.

  6. Here is a good, unbiased, technical article from ZD Net for all who are interested to read. It does not whitewash 5G, and it also makes good use of the available science and offers a good exploration of the issues localities face. We need more sound science and less hyperbole on this important issue.

  7. Here’s a link to the current county plan for 5G, with aesthetic safeguards and other provisions for each proposed 5G installation. Nancy supported these.

    1. And here is why Nancy Floreen's fast tracking of this ZTA is a horrible plan for Montgomery County.

      Currently, Nancy Floreen couldn't give a flip about the placement of front yard cell towers. She has ignored the illegal placement of these poles for years, could care less about aesthetics, could care less that the Tower Committee violates the law and prohibits public input into their decision process and could care less if these new front yard cell towers block sidewalks and inhibit the path of persons with disabilities and children.


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