
Friday, August 12, 2016

Allegany Co. teachers could control 'where, when or if' students use cell phones

CUMBERLAND — The Allegany County Board of Education took the first step Tuesday evening that will give teachers the authority to control the use of cell phones by students while in classrooms.
By a 4-0 vote -- one member was absent -- the group approved the first reading of what board attorney Gary Hanna called a tweaked policy. Second and third readings are anticipated at the September meeting.
During a 5 p.m. work session, Superintendent David Cox supported the idea that teachers determine "where, when or if" the phones are used during class time.
Some such actions have already taken place, according to Cox, who said a teacher at Allegany High School has a sleeve with numbered pockets where students place the devices when they enter the room and pick them up when they exit.

1 comment:

  1. Who is going to enforce the policy? It is easier to just jam the links within the school perimeter.


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