
Monday, August 22, 2016

Term Limits in Montgomery County

Dear Concerned Voter:
Thank you for signing the non-partisan term limits petition for Montgomery County.   
We did it!  You and nearly 18,000 registered voters in Montgomery County signed the term limits petition (only 10,000 signatures were required).  The signatures were submitted on August 8, which means you’ll be able to vote on the term limits question on the November 2016 general election ballot.   When passed -- and we need your vote to pass the measure -- it will limit County Council members and the County Executive to serving no more than three consecutive terms, or 12 years.
This Wednesday, August 24, you will have an opportunity to support term limits at a Montgomery County Charter Commission hearing.  Here is information about the hearing:  In order to testify, you must notify the commission in advance by e-mailing them at:  If you can't attend, but still want to convey your support for the term limits petition; email the commission at the same e-mail address in the previous sentence.   If you don’t want to speak out publicly on the 24th, please come to the hearing and stand with your neighbors in support of term limits for the County Council and County Executive
If you want to know how you can help or need more information, let us know. 
Thank you,
Montgomery County Citizens Group in support of Term Limits 


  1. Damage control mode?

  2. Yes, the anti-term limits people are in damage control mode. Attacks right out of the gate. Too late. The horse is out of the barn.

    1. More like, we're up to our necks in alligators nipping right and left.

  3. point of order, please.

    As a lifelong resident, it bothers me that I was not presented with the opportunity to sign. In addition, can I call to attention that the language says no more than three consecutive terms (before the comma). Does that mean if they step down after 2 terms, the three term clock starts over? or does the twelve year time of service need to have the word "total" place in front of "service"?

    Im saying this because you know how these politicians try to get around stuff on technicalities. You cant root them out unless the language is suffocatingly airtight.

    just wanted to point that out. I would have to oppose this on grounds that the language as exemplified in the post does not go far enough to guarantee a maximum time of service

    1. Mr. Maxwell, previous attempts to put this on the ballot with fewer terms, which they have in Prince George's County (limit of 2 terms there) did not make it to the ballot. I hope you'll vote yes on Question B for term limits. Enough is enough.


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