
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Film Screening: Wi-Fi in School Health Risks at Virginia Hospital Center on September 17, 2016

The  film Wi-Fried on Children, Wi-Fi and Health and will be screened at Virginia Hospital Center this Sunday at 3 pm. 

"Mobile technologies have shaped our way of life, but are they also discreetly killing us? That's the question raised by the new documentary short WI-FRIED?, a thought-provoking look at the secret dangers which may lurk in the midst of our globally connected society.
Everywhere you turn, people are buried in their mobile devices and tablets. Children are also an integral part of this phenomenon as these technologies take greater precedence in the school system. As a result, users of all ages worldwide are being exposed to minute amounts of microwave radiation that they never had to contend with in years past before these devices came into being. While officials have dismissed the notion that this exposure can harbor ill health effects in the long term, many scientists and other insiders are speaking out in disagreement."

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