
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Floreen's Zoning Amendment Research Riddled with Errors, Cites Mark Twain, Cites Secret Agreement, Says ALL MoCo Homes are Identical

On Monday, September 12, 2016, the Montgomery County Council's PHED Committee will discuss and vote on Councilmember Nancy Floreen's proposal to eliminate the ability of the public to review and comment on the placement of cell towers in front yards throughout Montgomery County. 

The research Packet that Nancy Floreen relies on to support her position was written by Council staff and is riddled with errors.  Below is a corrected copy of the Packet so that Councilmembers can vote on this major zoning change with accurate and focused background information. 

As a reminder, the cell towers that are the subject of Floreen's zoning change will blanket neighborhoods and schools.  They will be located at school bus stops, on sidewalks and at intersections.  The public's review of the size, location and style of these cell towers is critical to the safety of County neighborhoods.

Citations to Mark Twain and secret "verbal agreements" hardly seem useful in a document meant to provide factual, relevant background information to elected officials making a decision to change County zoning laws. 

Red markings and pink highlighting are our edits to this document.  
We also substituted maps with WHITE DOTS to show exactly where these cell towers will be located in three neighborhoods.  The maps provided by Council Staff were difficult to read.


  1. These comments are a tour de force. Thank you!!

  2. If the goal of our legislators is to represent its constituents, how does approving any of these cell structures help their constituency? Councilmember Floreen must not approve these structures.

    1. The goal of our 'legislators' is to go to cocktail parties with their wealthy donors in Potomac, and spend time with their developer patrons. If you think otherwise, please give a few examples. Meanwhile check their campaign contributors. Remember less than 17 percent of the registered voters in this county voted in the last election. It's obvious who they think their 'constituents' are. It's not the people that actually live in this county.

  3. This document is gold and goes to show you how out of touch Council Members are with their constituents. #termlimits

    1. Respectfully disagree, @Anonymous Sept 12 2:43pm. They are absolutely in touch with their constituents, to be clear, their constituents are their developer patrons and the wealthy donors to their campaigns. #termlimits


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