
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Former MCPS Board of Ed. Staff Director Out as PG Chief of Staff


  1. Flashback:

    September 2000 - Montgomery County Board of Education

    Members of the community who are concerned about the Board of
    Education public comments practice are free to write or email the
    Board or comment at the next Board meeting.

    I am sending the exact script that was read at the start of the
    public comment section of the Board meeting this past Monday. This
    is the same script read at the start of public comments at each Board
    meeting. It does not matter which Board member is President, this is
    along standing practice. The script is always the same. You may find
    information on this practice in The Montgomery County Board of
    Education Handbook - revised April 1999. This was adopted
    unanimously by the Board - Board Resolution 230-99. Earlier versions
    were adopted in 1985, 1988, 1993 & again in 1999. Please refer to
    page eight item #3 in this handbook.
    Comments about the actions or statements of individual staff members
    are not appropriate for Public Comments and should be referred to the
    Superintendent of Schools or processed through available channels.

    I take great offense at the comments that I censored a disability
    advocate. I have received comments that I was rude and
    disrespectful. I take great exception to these remarks. I try my
    best to be fair. I try hard to advocate for all children.

    To the lawyers in this group who feel this long standing policy is a
    violation of the first amendment privilege, please contact our staff
    director George Margolies (an attorney (301) 279-3617. He can put
    you in touch with our attorney.

    Public Comment Script- September 25, 2000

    Our next item is public comments - The members of the Board of
    Education desire to hear the views and have the advise of interested
    citizens. Therefore, the Board provides this opportunity for public
    input. It is Board practice not to take action on issues raised
    during public comments. The members of the Board appreciate hearing
    from citizens and will take your comments into consideration.

    We had 15 people call to sign up in advance. Each speaker will
    receive two minutes for comment and we ask that you conclude your
    remarks when the buzzer goes off. Individuals may not cede their
    time to others on the list of speakers. I would remind speakers that
    the actions or statements of individual staff members are not
    appropriate for public comment.
    - - -
    I know that we will continue to hear your concerns and comments
    through letters to the Board, emails, and letters to newspapers.

    Pat O'Neill

  2. Blast from the past: remember who was Board of Education Staff Director when Zvi Greismann insulted special education children and families.

  3. I wonder who drafts the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities for these positions.


If your comment does not appear in 24 hours, please send your comment directly to our e-mail address:
parentscoalitionmc AT